A long-COVID diary

Background to my long-COVID

So I may or may not have long-COVID. I had a virus in April 2020, which I joked was a bug, not the bug. Since then I have suffered symptoms that correspond with long-COVID. For several months I had fatigue that came and went, though it improved steadily over that summer. In November I suffered a relapse which left me off worse and since then I have been trundling along the bottom.

Whether its that, or simply a post-viral things that looks like it or something else, its been debilitating. Not as debilitating as some people, but left my usual active lifestyle in shreds. This in an intermittent diary, giving an idea of things I’m trying and how they affect me. I’m acutely aware I am a sample size of n=1, so do your own research! If I find a useful resource I’ll link to it.

PS Its reverse chronological so scroll down to get to the start if that’s what you want. I’m also catching up long after the start so doesn’t go all the way back to 2020.

November 2021

21 Nov: New phase of Stasis breathing has my tests on Sunday, which may be easier for me to keep the diary going. Very hectic with work just now! But hope to get some stuff finished this week which will make things easier.

Mostly this has been another better week. Focus ok with work and mostly coped with the extra exercise that I did, though I’m pretty sure I know my current limit now! Chest has continued to be tight, especially into the weekend which may be a sign that doing more on Tuesday and Wednesday was pushing it. Felt tired on Friday afternoon, but the normal tired from a long week. Saturday I wasn’t good. Thought I was going to throw up in the shower, but passed quickly. Maybe ate something a bit off? Improved today, but not up the week. Biostrap recovery scores dropped dramatically from Friday.

Lots of medication/supplement changes this week. Finished my two weeks of the probiotic (Pro-ven). As my stomach was a little irritated again towards the weekend, have ordered a lower dose one for ongoing use.

Finished the Soprobec (inhaler). It had faded a bit in the preceding week. I guess its possible that the tighter chest over the weekend is related, but given that’s been coming on more for a couple of weeks I doubt it.

Wednesday I started the new antihistamines and also went gluten free. The aim is to do the latter for a month and see. Its tough – I think I broke it last night, but will keep trying.

Breathing scores today mixed. Changes in that I’m trying them in the middle of the day and sitting up. Exhale test was worse at 49.2s – not much worse and felt I might be able to do better. The hold test I went to 62.7s – way better than anything before (previous best 45.5s!) Don’t know how much that is different circumstances, but pleased 🙂

15 Nov: I’ve thought about adding a post a couple of times in the last week, but have been so busy that I didn’t feel I had time. Still busy, but forcing myself today. Looks like this may continue up to Christmas, with lots of reports to do. Had the feeling of being a bit overloaded, but I know the only way out is to get things off my to do list.

Physically, I have tried a couple of tango dances in the past week. Seems like one tune (Tuesday) is ok, but two tunes (Sunday) is a bit much. Chest tightness much stronger this morning, sleep dodgy and feel it affected the breathing tests too. So, too soon but glad I checked in a controlled way. Overall feeling better but specific symptoms worse, especially the fuzzy feeling. Don’t know if that’s a contradiction? Starting to say I’m back to where I was at the end of August, apart from today!

This weeks breathing scores: exhale improved to 57.3s, hold worse at 29.9s. Tried the latter a second time with same result. Technically, that’s the end of phase II (12 weeks). Did think about repeating a week, but instead have started phase 3. It has a cluster of exercises together, initially at 10min and increasing to 30min over 8 weeks. Still going to do a morning and evening breath exercise – hopefully that’s doing me good and won’t be overdoing it.

Lots of changes in drugs/supplements. The magnesium ran out on Wednesday. Didn’t get the feeling it was helping much so haven’t ordered a replacement – tempted to try a different (cheaper??) one. My probiotic supplement also finished today. This has coincided twice with me feeling a bit better, so maybe is something to look into more.

Spoke with doctor. She’s gone with my suggestions, but fired a shot across my bows. She obviously feels exposed using small studies and suggested if I want to do more I may need to go private. Its both understandable and frustrating, because there is only weak evidence yet. Anyway, following the dosing in this trial, I’ll be back on Loratadine (which definitely helped last time) at 10mg twice a day. Adding Fomatodine at 40mg once per day, both for six weeks. Lets see what difference they make.

8 Nov: One week into November and getting busy with work. Feeling a little stressed and its affecting my sleep a bit, but overall last week was an improvement over the previous one. This was despite tension in my chest returning. I can’t link it to exercise this time so don’t know if there’s a direct cause. Another trip to London and it went a lot better healthwise than the last one (but no prizes!)

This is week 12 of phase II of Stasis, which makes it the last one. Exhale test still good at 53.2s. The hold test was weaker at 32.7s. My second go was 42.1s, but given my chest tightness I half expected both to be worse. Still a week to go, but looks like this hasn’t fixed me. Wonder what’s next?

Finished the fexofenadine yesterday. Went back to the original dose for a couple of days to finish and will be a week before can speak to GP to get new tablets. We’ll see how a week without anti-histamines is – maybe I’ll find out they were doing more than I thought!

1 Nov: Happy November everyone. The clocks have changed but the weather is beautifully sunny. Sadly, I’m not feeling any better. Not had the best week – had hopes when yesterday was better, but today hasn’t started well. Slept badly for most of the week but better over the weekend. Had the Pro-Ven probiotic supplement in the cupboard for a while so started it today. That’s two weeks and last time it coincided with a me feeling better, so lets see.

Anyway, week 11 of Stasis. My chest felt tight this morning, something that has returned in the last few days. Slightly surprised the exhale test showed improvement to 53.2s but not the hold test was worse at 35.2s. As didn’t feel great last week, switched back to Apnea 1 on Thursday. Looks like I’ll stick with that this week too.

October 2021

25 Oct: Week 10 of Stasis. Exhale test better at 51.1s, though I did wonder if I straying into holding a bit. Hold test worse at 38.1s (on my first go), but continuing with Apnea 2 for now.

Probably feeling a bit better since upping the fexofenadine dosage. The fuzzy feeling is about the same or worse, but my general feeling seems a bit better. Added some Creapure supplement from yesterday. Doing 5g twice a day for a few days to build up (they say 4/day at first but I’m not body-building), then will go to once a day.

19 Oct: Week 9 of Stasis. Exhale test noticeably worse at 45.7s, though I did relax a bit during it. Exhale test at 45.5s. That was my second go and its borderline about whether I try Apnea 2 for the choice protocol or stick with Apnea 1. Decided to do the latter yesterday as I had a podcast afterwards. Tried the former today and felt ok afterwards. May stick with that for the next few days.

Not been happy with the new antihistamine, but discovered it may be a dosing thing. I’m on 120mg 1/day – Gez on Run-DMC is taking 2x180mg twice a day. Not sure if I misinterpreted – found a trial that used 180mg 2/day. Today started taking my 120mg twice a day. Lets see what happens. They used Loratadine too (10mg 2/day) and now wishing I’d logged my dosage. Will have to ask!

14 Oct: Failed experiment. On Monday I walked into town with a friend. We went faster than I usually walk now, but I felt ok afterwards. So yesterday I tried walking faster again for my usual round of Astley Ainslie. Hit the same pace – ~13min/km – but sadly the aftermath wasn’t the same. Today feeling noticeably worse and my recovery score way down. Its not terrible, but still not making the progress I’d like.

11 Oct: Week 8 of Stasis phase II. Another improvement in my breath test scores today. Exhale test is up to 50.0s, so only a touch better than last week. But the hold test, which seems to matter more, is 42.2s which is 12s better than last week and 3.6s more than the previous high. The Apnea 1 exercise feels different to the others. I did it after my walk yesterday and it seemed to help my recovery. When I felt a bit flaky after walking back from the film I tried it again and seemed to help quickly. Aiming to get onto Apnea 2 – I’m not far away – and may try longer Apnea 1 sessions.

9 Oct: Back from a couple of days in London. Lots of train & tube with people without masks which made me a bit uncomfortable. So strange few days. Wed afternoon I felt myself crashing a bit. I’d driven to the Borders, which shouldn’t be the cause but could be. Maybe I was a little stressed about the trip south. Felt lousy Thursday morning and was that way most of the day. Perked up a little in the evening. That night I slept really badly in the hotel, but didn’t feel that bad on Friday. Still tired, but not unreasonably so and no chest tension, but low Biostrap recovery score. Very tired again this morning despite lots more sleep.

Not sure what to make of it – yesterday’s rapid recovery seemed a positive, but don’t know how much to to read into it.

6 Oct: My ability to smell seems to have got hypersensitive in the past couple of days. Its like there is tingling in my sinuses. Also a couple of whiffs in my flat I didn’t notice before! Wondering if this is my smell has been reduced and back to normal (but feels abnormal because I have normalised a reduced level) or something else. We’ll have to see how it develops.

4 Oct: Week 7 of Stasis. The max exhale test is up a bit to 49.7s, the hold test fell back to 30.9s. That will put me on Apnoea 1. I feel ok about that – not getting that far would have made me feel like I wasn’t progressing. Hoping I get up to the next level before the course ends.

Generally, been a bit better since Friday. Don’t know if its the tablets or just time for it, but hoping it lasts.

September 2021

30 Sep: Yesterday I visited pulmonary rehab to see if I’m breathing properly. The answer is that I could be better, but I’m going the right way with my exercises. Reassuringly, they approve of the Stasis course and are worried about how bad some of the stuff out there is.

On the downside, still not great this week. While Monday was better, Tuesday was terrible again. Yesterday started badly, but did improve a bit in the evening. Frustrated again.

27 Sep: After a lousy week and weekend, finally feeling a bit better this morning. Ironically my Biostrap recovery score of 37 isn’t good so maybe I’ll fade later. But good results on my weekly breath tests 🙂 Max exhale was 47.9s, which is a second and half better than last week. The big news is the breath hold test, which after three weeks around 30s or lower, gave 38.6s today. Given under 30s is supposed to mean problems, I’m pleased to get to something more normal. I did wonder though, as I think sometimes I have done a full exhale rather than a ‘normal exhale’. Anyway, on week 6 protocols.

Although feeling better this morning, decided that not taking the multi-vitamin felt like punishing myself unnecessarily so started it again this morning.

22 Sep: Feeling lousy this morning. Slept badly and my inflamed feeling is well up, with the latter getting worse for a couple of days. Wondering if this is to do with being off anti-histamines, but finally got my new one and starting this morning. Now on fexofenadine hyrdrochloride (120mg 1/day). Also finished my multi-vitamins yesterday and will take a few days for a new bottle to arrive so will have a few days with out that. Again will be interesting to see how I feel without it, though again mixing because starting the new anti-histamine.

20 Sep: Monday morning and its week 5 of Stasis phase 2. My max exhale test showed a big improvement this morning to 45.6s, 10s more than last week. The breath hold (which I think could be more important looking forward) was a couple of secs worse at 27.3s.

Overall, still struggling. Friday was better, and close to how I felt before my holiday, but Saturday wasn’t great. Yesterday was a step up again, but very tired this morning after my shower (felt ok first thing). I just don’t know right now. Will pick up new anti-histamines shortly so will see if they make a difference.

15 Sep: Its felt like a long week already. The drive home on Saturday drained me and I was shattered on Sunday and Monday. At least I felt a bit better yesterday, but tired again this morning. I finished the Loratadine (anti-histamine) yesterday. Appointment with my GP tomorrow where, I presume, we will talk about it and the OT’s suggestion of a new anti-histamine.

The good news on my return was a letter saying my lung function tests and the CT scan all look fine. Good there’s no unlying damage and that’s the end of the pulmonary doctor’s involvement for now. Did get a call from rehab and have a call with them this afternoon.

On Sunday I did manage to admit that I’m not ready to be doing salsa classes yet. It felt really hard to let go of and its definitely not cheering me up, but there’s a little relief. At least Gini has been sympathetic and said I can return when I’m ready. I just hope its soon!

A bit overwhelmed with work this week, but just have to get through things as best I can. Been slow to do my weekly breathing tests and finally remembered this morning. Exhale at 38.4s and hold at 29.5s. The former effectively the same as the last couple of weeks, the latter as last weeks better figure. After last week I will take stability.

14 Sep: negative lateral flow test.

10 Sep: its the last day of my holiday, so thought I’d add to this post. The weather is crap today, and basically so am I. I came into the trip feeling a bit better and hoping I could push things forward a bit. But I overdid things on my first day and haven’t really got over that. Yesterday I did ~15k steps, which is way too much for what was supposed to be a rest day. Perhaps unsurprisingly, my mood has been all over the place too: Monday and today I feel a bit down, but Wed & Thur (when I did the most fun stuff) were fine. The weather not being great hasn’t helped. I have also felt a bit alone at times. In May it was ok because things were going well, but not this time.

Trying to figure out what to tell Gini about salsa: the truth is I’m not ready, but afraid to admit it. I maybe could get away with it but, at best, my recovery times cold be terrible. I feel a bit like I haven’t done what I wanted, but just have to deal with that.

6 Sep: on holiday and logging more in my holiday diary, but here my latest breathing test figures. Exhale test is at 34.0s, so about the same as before. But the hold test is 30.2s, which is a huge increase on previous weeks. Given I overdid it yesterday, not sure how to interpret this, but I will take it! Onto week 3, but overdid things yesterday so hope to recover soon.

Supplement change today. After 4 weeks on the Pro-ven active bacteria, I’m stopping.

2 Sep: Thursday and so far this week hasn’t been as good as last week. A couple of things going on though. At the weekend I was looking into supplements again (RUN-DMC video again) and cross-reading. Adding a magnesium supplement seemed to be an obvious try. I ordered a multi compound version from Wellgevity – it was a bit more expensive than others, but given I’ve got so much info from them I almost feel I owe them. Anyway, two months worth arrived yesterday so started last night.

Yesterday ended up walking home from town. First non-standard (2.2km round Astley Ainslie) for a couple of weeks. Will be interesting to see how/if I react today in advance of my holiday next week.

On the basis I need to measure my body better, my Biostrap arrived a couple of days ago. Sadly not off to the best start. Firstly it seems to be more geared towards sleep than I realised – during the day it only measures if you are at rest. The added heart rate monitor doesn’t seem to add to that unless you record. Secondly, the steps counter seems to be a bit of a disaster. On my first night (Tuesday) I watched a tv programme for 1.5 hours, with a break to make a up of tea. Apparently I did ~3000 steps! Whoops. No reply from support yet so we’ll see what they say. There’s a couple of smaller tech issues too, so not sure if I’ll be keeping it yet.

August 2021

30 Aug: Realised I haven’t written anything for a week, and that’s largely because its been quite a benign week. Very much steady as I go: strictly keeping my two-day exercise routine (easy core followed by some simple stretches and a walk), working steadily (mostly afternoons). And I’ve definitely improved. Far from feeling better, but enough for me to feel optimistic for the first time in ages.

This mornings test results were max exhale 36.4s and breath hold 22.7s, so basically no change from last week. I have had issues with keeping the rhythm right and control, but maybe that is to be expected.

Over the weekend I read Breath by James Nestor. Its kind of converted me to the merits of improving my breathing. Its a bit overwhelming though, in that so much I could try. One thing that caught eye was Tummo, which is an challenging fast breathing exercise but has helped some people with auto-immune issues. Given how much long-COVID seems to have in common with these, I am wondering about giving it a try. Maybe caution needed and my OT wasn’t keen until I have seen pulmonary rehab. There is a danger of overloading a breathing pattern that I am trying to change so totally undecided yet. Something to think about.

Today was my last call with the long-COVID rehab referral service (you get six). Although I was sceptical, I have actually found it really helpful. It pushed me through the system more and into more tests and rehab. I’ve also found them helpful personally, almost like mini-therapy sessions. For the first I have had the chance to talk through it properly with someone who knew what they were talking about but was realistic about what we do and don’t know and open to options. Thanks Rebecca!

23 Aug: First day of the next Stasis Breathing stage. This is a 12 week course with, curiously, shorter sessions than I finished with for the last course. Instead I now have three 10min ones a day. This morning’s test results:

  • Max exhale: 36.8s. This is big improvement over the ~30s that I had before.
  • Breath hold: 23.0s. Sadly, this is weak. Last weeks result seems to be an anomaly. I’d noticed discomfort last night on the hold after exhale when I did the 6/6/6/6 last night, which isn’t a good sign.

Back on the multi-vitamin supplement that I finished in June. They seemed to have an effect when I started in Jan, so lets see what happens this time. Feeling a bit better first thing this morning.

21 Aug: As I’m approaching a a little point of change, I thought it might be time for a mini-review. In the last few weeks I have tried the following:

  • Stasis Breathing – this is the final weekend of the first 4 week programme.
  • Acupuncture – Friday was my 4th session
  • Soprobec – two and a half weeks into my inhaler
  • Supplements – two weeks on the Pro-ven bio supplement. Finished the niacin this week and will finish the Seven Seas one tomorrow. I need a vit D regardless, so am going to return to the multi-vitamin I was using before.
  • Accupressure mat – I’ve been a bit haphazard, but have used it more days than not.
  • 10m snooze when required – also haphazard. Mostly not used it when don’t need it rather than doing it regardless. Success is mixed – sometimes it helps, sometimes not much.
  • Dietary changes – cut out dairy, bread (yeast) and cold foods (my temperature is a bit low).
  • Also wound exercise down a bit in the last week.

Its also 4 weeks since I started my more detailed symptom diary too. The bottom line is that I’m not convinced I’m seeing any real improved. I had a couple of good days week before last. The last couple of days have been all over the place. There have been ‘lucid’ moments, where I feel noticeably better, but they don’t last long. I have that feeling of when a cold is starting to leave the system: gives me a little hope but have had that before and its never led anywhere. But been taking exercise very easy this week, so that has to be allowed for too.

So its new supplements from Monday. The inhaler was 3-4 weeks to take effect – not there yet, so you never know. But basically looking for new ideas.

Coda: watched the Physio for breathing pattern disorder videos. Very helpful in terms of telling me where I’m wrong. They are saying 8-14 breaths per minute and I was at 22! Better stick with the exercises.

18 Aug: Finished my niacin supplement yesterday (was 100mg of the nicotinamide variety, not nicotinic acid). Never felt it was much help, so stopping for now. May look for either the nicotinic acid variety (which was suggested as more effective). Reluctant to do higher doses as the stuff I’ve seen doesn’t suggest it – maybe this isn’t my problem?

16 Aug: Max exhale test 30.9s – better than week 3, worse than week 2. Breath hold 33.8s which is best score since started. At least that showing some improvement.

OT recommended a new website for breathing stuff – Physiotherapy for breathing pattern disorders.

14 Aug: feel like I have had a wee crash again this morning. Have had a couple days of feeling better (in the widest sense – specific symptoms were still present) so frustrating. The really odd thing is I can’t do the diaphragm isolation properly this morning. Trying to figure out why I’ve crashed. Did I overdo it yesterday? I feel like I slept badly, but no worse than, say, Wed night. Mmm.

13 Aug: Had my breathing tests this morning. Did three:

  • FeNO: a video game, where you blow out at a constant rate. Passed ok.
  • Reversibility test: did so well, that didn’t try the drug as they didn’t think it will make much difference.
  • Gas transfer test: felt a little like my breathing exercises as it was breathing in, holding, then letting go. Slightly variable results and have to wait until analysis in.

Reflecting afterwards, I pushed myself (with encouragement!) to do the best I can, but felt somewhat uncomfortable doing them.

Did shorter morning breathing as had to get up early for hospital. Felt light-headed again.

12 Aug: Funny thing happened during last night’s breathing exercise. Felt like a penny dropped in terms of isolating my diaphragm and felt much smoother. This morning really focussed on the isolation and less sure. The isolation is hard, but I do feel a little like I’m not taking a breath. Unsure if this discomfort is normal or a sign I’m not breathing deep enough. But I can breathe through it, even though a couple of times I found myself breathing in normally when I should be breathing out! I was also a little light headed afterwards, which I haven’t been for a while. Wondering who I can ask about this – maybe its fortunate I have my breathing tests tomorrow.

9 Aug: Bad night – woke up with painful sinuses and had to take painkillers. Week 3 of breathing: max exhale test 29.8s (slightly down on last week) and 24.4s on breath hold test (much better than last week and a little worse than week 1).

Also started the gut supplements. I know what I said on Friday, but poor weekend so wanting to add something.

6 Aug: New supplement arrived yesterday based on the gut biome discussion on RUM-DMC (I’m starting to sound like a fanboy!) It suggested lactobacillus rhamnosus (GG) as helpful for most people (for those who are interested, the GG bit is essential as there are other variants). Ordered a supplement from Holland & Barrett (as I trust them) and have four weeks worth. But, given I’m trying a few things just now will leave for a week or so to give the other things a chance. Probably encouraged by sleeping a bit better and feeling a bit better this morning.

Also will go back on the multi-vitamin (which arrived too) once my Seven Seas supplement runs out. Definitely feel like I’ve been worse since I stopped, but have had a bug. But I need a Vit D anyway, so might as well make it this. That’s a couple of weeks away though.

Also (how much am I doing?) started using coconut milk and finished bread.

4 Aug: In my mid-50s and I get an inhaler! To my surprise, my GP wanted to speak to me in advance of my lung tests next week. Turns out they have linked the high Eosinophil (a white bllod cell) count in my blood (its almost the only anomaly) to my lungs and wondered if its something allergic. The high count is not new – in 2017 it was a little above the normal range. While it doubled by May last year, it was back to 2017 levels in January. Anyway, we are now trying Soprobec twice daily. I’m aware this is my fourth new intervention in three weeks, so establishing its effectiveness may not be easy. First dose this morning. For what its worth, it tastes funny but my breathing feels a bit better than yesterday. Can only be psychosomatic but I’ll take it!

Bonus: found some yoghurt based on coconut milk. Its expensive (£2.55 for a 3? portion tub) but, to my surprise, tastes really nice. I got the mango/passion fruit because I thought it might be needed to hide the taste. Natural here I come!

2 Aug: start of week 2 of the Stasis breathing. Tests:

  • Max Exhale: 32.0s – a big improvement over last week
  • Breath hold test: 19.7s – a lot worse than last week, but was involuntary muscle rather than needed to breath so may not be that bad.

One better and one worse. On to the new regime – 15min in the morning of routine 1 and now 10min in the evening of routine 2. Have started using ambient music from Insight Timer, which is more relaxing than the simple counter I was using before.

1 Aug: New resource from another RUN-DMC video. This time a World Physio briefing paper on long-COVID. The four pronged approach is interesting and good to see the “graded return to exercise” completely debunked. To some extent, I feel like I’m on this path so a bit of confirmation bias for me!

July 2021

30 July: First acupuncture session. This keeps cropping up, so time to give it a go. Friends recommended Ming Chen in Leith. Was almost on time, but finding parking proved to be far from trivial so, rather guiltily, turned up a few minutes late. Her holistic approach noticed my temperature is a bit low and suggested I avoid cold things, including salad and drinking warm water (as I write this a couple of days later, I realise the last suggestion has been completely forgotten!)

She thinks I have issues, highlighting my tongue. The latter had been a bit funny, but I hadn’t linked with my other problems so now wondering if connected. ZOE has an option for it, which now gets ticked. Additional diet suggestions were no dairy, no yeast and no processed sugar. Given I’m clearing out my broken freezer, that will wait a few days. The actual acupuncture was for over an hour. Not sure if it had much effect – lying still for an hour is probably good for me already! But its a long term thing and I’ll be back next week for another go.

29 July: Happy birthday to me!

26 July: Having seen Stasis Breathing recommended by Mt Sinai on a Run-DMC video, it seems a low risk intervention and easy to try. More importantly, they seem to have used it to rehabilitate people from long-COVID! No reviewed studies of course, but you take what you can get. It has two tests that you measure yourself on each week, so I will log my results here.

  • Max Exhale test: basically what is the slowest you can exhale a breath. Baseline I start with is 20.7s.
  • Breath hold test: how long can you hold your breath after you have exhaled. Healthy is 40s, dysfunction is under 25s. An initial measurement of 27.3s for me suggests I do have issues.

The initial sequence is 10min each morning and evening of slow in and out breaths, with an emphasis on using the diaphragm. (Extra note: my muscles ache after a day of this!)

24 July: Spreadsheet revision. I’m logging everything 3 times a day in a spreadsheet. Inspired by the OT diary (which wasn’t that helpful) I’ve added a column for different symptoms (6 so far) and using a numerical scale. Hopefully will make things easier to track.

23 July: negative PCR test.

19 July: If I have had a bug, then hopefully I’m through most of it. Energy and breathing both noticeably better this morning.

15 July: Lots to report today as tried three different things, all of which are OT suggestions:

  • Unwrapped my new accupressure mat and pillow and had a go. Kept a t-shirt on for the mat, but was direct on the pillow. Found the latter very uncomfortable, btu was ok on the mat. Only did 5 mins for a first go. Can’t say if I felt better or not.
  • When I felt tired in the afternoon I took a 10min rest. Just lay on the floor and did nothing. It did help, though my energy still faded badly towards the end of the afternoon.
  • At lunchtime I tried the Scottish Opera singing exercises. These didn’t work for me and actually felt quite uncomfortable. And not just because I can’t sing! Seriously, my chest and breathing felt uncomfortable.

I am wondering if I have a wee bug. My breathing is definitely worse the last few days – worse than anything before (there is a vvery category in my spreadsheet now!) and my energy is very low.

11 July: Third OT call, which had several suggestions: get an accupressure mat, try accupuncture (maybe after the former), use mediation apps to relax, do the yoga (which I hadn’t tried) and Scottish Opera have a webpage with some breathing exercises to try. Lots to think about!

10 July: negative lateral flow test.

6 July: negative lateral flow test.

June 2021

28 June: finished Quercetin supplement. Not convinced its doing much so stopping. Also stopping the 10mins of deep breathing as seen no change over the last week. If anything, I was a bit worse last week.

25 June: end of the multi-vitamins. Stopping for now. To keep the Vit D going am going to finish the Seven Seas Cod Live Oil ones that I have. They weren’t strong enough in winter, but hoping over the summer they will be adequate. If I’m noticeably worse over the next month then perhaps they were having an effect, but not convinced they have been doing much other than the first few weeks.

21 June: Started 10mins of deep breathing each morning. If I’m right about the meditations with breathing helping me in May then perhaps they might help. The OT (second call) approved too.

19 June: negative PCR test.

14 June: First call with Occupational Therapist from the post-COVID centre. It was much better than I expected. I didn’t get forced into graded return to activity (which I expected). A couple of suggestions – a yoga person who has done some specific long-COVID recovery sessions (Suzy Bolt) and work harder on pacing myself.

12 June: few side effects – only a sore arm 🙂

11 June: second AZN vaccine.

4 June: Last day so chanced a rough walk, but learnt my lesson from yesterday about overdoing it: Did a 4km circuit at Mellon Udrigle. Took almost 18min/km which seemed to work. Still rested for the afternoon.

3 June: Made a mistake after coping yesterday and maybe overdid it. Went down to Loch Maree and did a 4.5km walk @15min/km. On the way back got delayed by roadworks and at Gairloch felt ok, so started off on a waterfall walk. 1km realised this was a mistake so turned round and headed back.

2 June: Paddleboard again, and measured. Going into the wind needed a little effort. But 4.6km @27min/km, but much faster with the wind at my back. Drove up to head of peninsular and walked round some old defences, but felt really tired doing that.

1 June: walked round Inverewe Gardens. Feeling tired so dawdled round taking pictures. 3+km at almost 30min/km.

May 2021

31 May: walk round Laide Wood. ~4km @ 20+min/km. Felt like I hit my limit so rested for the rest of the day.

30 May: Paddleboard to Gruinard Island aka anthrax island. Felt tired afterwards, but it didn’t destroy me the way that I feared.

29 May: off on holiday! Long drive to Laide, but didn’t feel too tired.

23 May: Felt totally knackered in the evening. Wondering if I overdid my exercises that morning – I tried what I call my ‘big routine’ of home exercises.

21 May: Yesterday’s PCR test negative.

18 May: Serious experimentation starts today! Started anti-histamines this morning having persuaded my doctor to prescribe them. Have some Loratadine – once a day. Easy to add to my breakfast cocktail of supplements!

16 May: Completely crashed again after my walk. Was a bit longer as I got the Hermitage, but on sitting on my settee afterwards I had no option but to lie down and close my eyes. Couldn’t sleep, but couldn’t do anything either. After half an hour I did feel better, but this is still worrying.

9 May: A supplement addition. The niacin dose in my multi-vitamin isn’t very high at 16mg a dose. Didn’t want the 500mg doses as these are linked to side effects, but found one at 100mg. 100 tablets so on it for three months. Also added quercetin supplement again as it keeps cropping up – this time doing the full 500mg dose.

6 May: Even though my exercise routine wasn’t that bad, faded badly after it.

5 May: Really uncomfortable chest and shoulder pain today. Don’t know if COVID related or something physical, but not good today.

April 2021

18 Apr: negative PCR test.

17 Apr: Last ibuprofen. I don’t want to be taking it long-term, so stopping. Definitely a successful experiment – I felt better this week. That suggested that I have inflammatory issues which I need to address. Just need ot figure out how.

12 Apr: Starting ibuprofen – normal dose 3x per day. Experiment to see what difference it makes.

March 2021

31 Mar: Still not great, but better than yesterday.

30 Mar: Not great – if a bad reaction means the vaccine is working better, then I’m doing ok. To be fair I’d really just say I’m lousy rather than flu like.

29 Mar: first vaccination. I’m on AZN!

23 Mar: Finished the extra Quercetin supplement and stopping. It doesn’t feel like it has made any difference.

18 Mar: yesterday’s PCR test was negative.

February 2021

20 Feb: yesterday’s COVID test was negative.

15 Feb: Want to step up improvement, so added a Quercetin supplement to the multi-vitamin. Only taking half dose (250mg) as have some already.

January 2021

24 Jan: OMG! I feel so much better – its like a switch has been flicked. The fuzzy, numb feeling has been completely dialled down. However, it does leave more of a chest thing going on: it was there before, but now it feels like the main symptom.

19 Jan: Started multi-vitamin supplement – a Holland & Barrett Ultimate Immune Support. Includes Niacin (16mg), Selenium (200μg), Zinc (15mg) and Quercetin (200mg). Ideas drawn from a RUN-DMC video – this is a guy who used to run a lot, but got long-COVID. He seems to be digging into what little research there is and this is based on a NAD+ deficiency theory. The supplement combo seems to be based on a sample size of 1, but seems low risk. This doesn’t quite match what he is doing – the Niacin (a little) and Quercetin (a lot) are both lower than suggested.

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